Paper Publications – Dept. of Bioscience

- Terminaliachebula– A Potential Natural Herbal Drug against Mastitis Isolates. Dinesh M.D, Ashitha Carmel, P. P. Neethu George, Ajma. N, Anjana.J.C and S. Meenatchisundaram. 2016. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS): 2319-2372. 10, PP 64-69. e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN. DOI: 10.9790/2380-0910026469
- Anti- Cariogenic Activity of Piper Betel Leaf Extracts against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus oral by In Vitro. Dinesh M.D, Anjana. J. C, Neethu George NithyaJayan, Sharannya Mohan andMeenatchisundaram.S. Quest Journals Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research. 2016. 3 (10): 50-54. ISSN (Print):2394-0751.
- Pre-clinical studies for the anti- inflammatory and toxicity studies of the earthworm. 2017. Sruthy P.B,Anjana J.C, J Rathinamala and S Jayashree.European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. Volume: 4 (2); 291-29
- Phytochemical screening and biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles of selected medicinal plants used in Traditional Medicine. S Priyanka, D Anupama, M Misna, Nisha Jayan, J Reshma, PR Reshma, PA Sana, KG Saranya, PV Vidya and Liji Thomas. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies.2016; 4(4): 01-05
- Liji Thomas and Saleena Mathew. Development Of Glycosaminoglycan Scaffold Integrated With Herbal Nanoparticle For Wound Healing.2016. International Journal of Applied & Pure Science & Agriculture. 2 (6).
- Liji Thomas, Devika Ravindranath and RanjitKanjur. 2015. Micrpobiological Assessment of pre-monsoonand post-monsoonopen well water quality in KarumallorPanchayath, Ernakulam, India. Biotechnological Research. 1(2); 146-148.
- Devika Ravindranath, Nayana O.V, and Liji Thomas. 2016. “Antimicrobial plant extract incorporated gelatin beads for potential applications ion Pharmaceutical industries. Biotechnological Research.ISSN 2395-6763. 2(1); 11-14.
- In Vitroevaluation of glycolipoproteinpowder from earthworm Eudriluseugeniae. Anjana. J. C, Sruthy. P. B, J. Rathinamala and S. Jayashree. 2015. International Journal of Pharmacy and Phharmaceutical Sciences. 7(8); 377-379. ISSN- 0975-1491.
- Priyanka.S student of III semester M.Sc. Biochemistry presented a paper on ‘Phytochemical Screening and Biosyntesis of Silver Nanoparticles of Selected Medicinal Plants Used in Traditional Medicine’ on National Seminar on “Progress and Prospects of Biotechnology” on 14th and 15th January, 2016.
- Sughi.S student of III semester M.Sc. Microbiology presented paper on the topic ‘Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Aqueous Extract Of Arachis glabarata And Its Applications’ National Seminar on “Progress and Prospects of Biotechnology” on 14th and 15th January, 2016.
- JayaramPrasad.Sstudent of III semester M.Sc Biotechnology participated in poster presentation on the topic ‘Melanin Producing Bacteria Isolated From Mineral Beach Sand Of Chavara,Kollam National Seminar on “Progress and Prospects of Biotechnology” on 14th and 15th January, 2016.